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CCC Logo1. When did the campus open and how does it help meet student and community needs?
2. Where is the campus located, and what facilities and services are available on campus?
3. 近年来校园是如何扩张的?
4. 学校的办公时间是什么时候?
5. 高中生可以参加校园活动吗?
6. What kind of degree or certificates are available at the 峡谷乡村校园?
7. Can Students pay their enrollment and student fees at the 峡谷乡村校园?
8. 峡谷乡村和瓦伦西亚的课程有什么不同吗 campuses?
9. 校园里有足够的停车位吗?
10. 我在哪里拿到停车许可证?
11. 校园里有餐饮服务吗?
12. 我在哪里可以获得有关经济援助的信息?
13. How do I get my books if I attend classes at the 峡谷乡村校园?
14. 校园保安人员晚上有空吗?
15. 校园里有无线网络吗?
16. 我怎么办学生证?
17. Do I need to take assessment tests before enrolling?
18. 我可以乘公共汽车到峡谷乡村校园吗?


1. When did the campus open and how does it help meet student and community needs?

峡谷乡村校园办公室(CCC),立博平台的一部分,开放 on August 27, 2007, and celebrated its Fifteenth Anniversary in Fall 2022. The campus was built to increase access to higher education in the Santa Clarita Valley. At the 研究表明,在美国近21,300名大学生中,约有32%的人有这种倾向 居住在峡谷地区及其周围的人. 校园于2007年秋季开放 serving 3,000+ students, and has grown substantially over the years. CCC是一个综合性的 校园内,提供各种教学和学生支持服务为主 关于学生和社区的兴趣. 校园提供高质量的指导和支持 帮助学生实现学业目标的服务,在过去的15年里 more than 70,000 students have earned course credit on campus and more than 9,000 现场授课.  请访问我们的网站了解更多信息 at www.firstlinesprinklerrepair.com/ccc. top

2. Where is the campus located, and what facilities and services are available on campus?

The campus is located at 17200 Sierra Highway in Canyon Country, about 1.7 miles north 在索莱达和塞拉高速公路的交叉路口. 校园占地70英亩,包括 模块化和永久性建筑的组合,包括教室、实验室和学生 support services. Instructional space includes general education classrooms, computer 实验室、幼儿教育中心、先进技术教育中心 (汽车,建筑和水技术),以及最先进的科学 Center. Student support services include Counseling, 招生及记录, Financial 援助,学生商务办公室,学生健康 & 健康、图书馆和辅导中心, 以及专门支持项目的办公室,包括CalWorks, EOPS/CARE, Inspire Scholars, Veteran’s Resource Center, Employment Center, and many others. There 校园里有不同的区域供学生学习和聚会,包括专用的吗 小组自习室,ASG计算机实验室,学生自习室和开放的邀请区 室内和室外. There are also offices for administrative staff, faculty, 校园安全,计算机支持服务和技术中心,校园通信 总机中心和复印中心. 要了解校园服务的完整列表, hours and office locations, please visit our Campus Services & 部门工作时间页面 here. top

3. 近年来校园是如何扩张的?

峡谷乡村校区在过去的几年中经历了实质性的增长 多年来,有两个值得注意的亮点. 首先,武田科学中心首次开放 2021年秋季课程. The four-story structure is situated at the center of campus on Dr. Dianne G. Van Hook Drive, a campus road named in 2018 to honor the Chancellor’s 在立博平台服务了30多年. 拥有19间一流的教室 实验室,这个设施是扩大学生接触和参与的重要组成部分, 以及在校园的成功.  接下来是一个新的5.5万平方英尺. ft. Student Services & 学习资源 Center opened in Spring 2023, and added classrooms, tutoring and library space, a number of student support resources, and department services. 我们继续寻找 未来的项目,包括健康和自然科学大楼 是否允许额外的教学项目和一个明确的中心校园. top

4. 学校的办公时间是什么时候?

校园的开放时间一般是早上7:30到晚上10:30,周一到周四,早上7:30 to 4:00pm on Fridays, and Saturdays when classes are scheduled. 大多数学生服务 offices are open 9:00am to 6:00pm, Monday through Thursday, with some departments 星期五提供服务. For the most updated department hours and locations, please click here. top

5. 高中生可以参加校园活动吗?

Yes. High school students can enroll as concurrent students through the established 区程序. Please visit the 招生及记录 website for additional information. Click here. top

6. What kind of degree or certificates are available at the 峡谷乡村校园?

峡谷县校区提供30多个副学士学位和成就证书, 包括完整的课程,包括大学技能,通识教育, 职业技能和可转移课程,让学生实现通识/通识教育 通过现场和在线课程相结合的艺术转移学位或证书. 点击这里了解更多可以在峡谷完成的可用项目的详细信息 Country Campus: CCC课程和途径.  Click 找到你的课程 有关当前/即将到来的课程的更多信息.

我们鼓励你与辅导员见面,讨论任何问题,你可能有关于 你的道路和课程计划. Additional resources for students are available directly on our website. top

7. Can Students pay their enrollment and student fees at the 峡谷乡村校园?

Yes. Student fees may be paid in person at the 峡谷乡村校园 by visiting the Student Business office located in the Student Services & 学习资源中心 (CCSS-202). 其他付款方式包括:

Online payments - You may pay online with a credit card or by logging into your MyCanyons account 然后去付款. We accept the following credit cards: MasterCard, Visa and Discover.  Click here 用信用卡在线支付.

Mail a payment  - You can mail us your payments (checks, cashier checks, or money orders). Please 包括学生证和姓名.  Do not mail cash.

在瓦伦西亚校区亲自授课 -位于峡谷大厅大楼.

Click here to visit our webppage for more information on paying your fees. top

8. 峡谷乡村和瓦伦西亚的课程有什么不同吗 campuses?

No. The classes held in Canyon Country are of the same high quality that students 瓦伦西亚校区有哪些值得欣赏的地方. 没有什么不同 内容从一个校园到另一个校园. College of the Canyons is noted for its outstanding 教育的传递,无论如何,都不是基于上课的地点 to be located. Indeed, roughly 2,000 students each semester choose to take all of their College of the Canyons classes at the 峡谷乡村校园. top

9. 校园里有足够的停车位吗?

学校有三个主要的学生停车场,分别是1号、2号和3号 作为6号地段的额外指定停车场. Dianne Van Hook Drive). Student parking for the Applied Technology Education Center (ATEC) is in Lot 2. 立即停车 adjacent to ATEC is limited to staff and disabled parking. 员工停车场包括 Lot 4, 4B and 5, with additional designated parking in Lots 3 and 6. The campus will 最终拥有大约1500个停车位,分阶段作为建筑和学生 人口的发展. Most semesters, the campus has an evening shuttle service which 是否有交通工具将学生、教职员工从教室送到 应要求提供停车场. top

10. 我在哪里拿到停车许可证?

立博平台有虚拟停车许可证. 通行证:实物通行证、贴纸或印刷的 不再需要证明你的许可证的文件. 警察将扫描车牌 核实许可证.  To simplify the process, permit purchase and vehicle registration 是透过iParq.  For further information, please visit the Student Business 亲自到办公室,或在网上 停车证资料. top

11.  校园里有食品服务和供应吗?

校园内还设有售卖食品、零食和饮料的自动贩卖机,贩卖机如下: third floor Science Center (food, snack, cold/hot drinks); third floor Student Services Center (snacks, cold drinks, school supplies); Quad 3 walkway (snacks, cold drinks, school supplies); Quad 700 (snacks, cold drinks, school supplies), and additional 校园里到处都是冷饮机. 基本需求中心(BaNC),位于Quad 1-A offers free snacks and other items for students in need. 请访问他们的网站 欲知详情,请浏览 基本需要中心(BaNC). top

12. 我在哪里可以获得有关经济援助的信息?

The Financial Aid Office is located in the Student Services & 学习资源中心, room CCSS-202. Students should keep in mind that they can apply for financial aid 在一年中的任何时间,都可以在线访问完整的经济援助信息. 与财政援助代表说话,请致电(661)362-3215在我们的 办公时间. To contact a financial aid representative by email, please send an email from your MyCanyons student email account to finaid@firstlinesprinklerrepair.com.  由于大量的电子邮件,请允许最多3个工作日的代表 回复您的邮件. Visit the Financial Aid website for more information and 办公时间为 www.firstlinesprinklerrepair.com/financialaidtop

13. How do I get my books if I attend classes at the 峡谷乡村校园?

峡谷乡村校园目前没有一个永久的书店,但额外的 有关回购、租赁和交货时间表的信息可以在书店的网站上找到 website at: coc.bncollege.com. Or use the "Order Textbooks Now" on yor MyCanyons account. top

14. 校园保安人员晚上有空吗?

Yes. 校园安全人员在晚上值班. 校园安全办公室在这里 in CCC-511. For assistance, contact Campus Safety at (661) 362-3977, or contact our 电话:661-362-3831. 大多数学期,我们都有校园护送车服务 星期一至四,下午六时至晚上十时. 校园护卫队接送 at various locations on the campus and in parking lots. 致电校园安全中心 或联络中心查询详情. top

15. 校园里有无线网络吗?

Yes. The 峡谷乡村校园 offers Wi-Fi (Guest, Student, and Staff) throughout the campus. Click here 了解如何连接到 通过启用WiFi,可以更方便地完成校园内的电话和短信 你手机上的WiFi通话功能. top

16. 我怎么办学生证?

学生证可在立博平台处领取 & 学生活动办公室位于 in Quad 1-A.  Your first COC Student ID card is free, and duplicate or replacement 身份证可以花5美元购买.00 fee. 学生必须出示他们的学生证 以身分证使用图书馆、TLC及ASG服务. 欲了解更多信息,请 联系立博平台 & 学生参与 at 661-362-3898 or visit their website at Campus Life & 学生参与度(峡谷.edu). top

17. Do I need to take assessment tests before enrolling?

Good News! Assessment services are now available for students to complete ONLINE! 当你评估时,你需要知道你的COC ID号(7位数字,以 a 0), so please be sure you have set up your CanyonsID account before starting. For 有关最新资料及完成评审程序的步骤,请按 here: 评估(峡谷.edu)top

18. 我可以乘公共汽车到峡谷乡村校园吗?

圣克拉丽塔运输部门提供到峡谷乡村校园的巴士服务 via Route 5. The on-campus bus stop is located across from room CCC-400 along Campus Circle. 有关最新的过境时间表,请访问 www.santaclaritatransit.com. Bus passes are available for purchase at Campus Life & 学生活动办公室, Quad 1-A. 欲了解更多信息,请 联系立博平台 & 学生参与 电话:661-362-3898,或访问他们的网站: Campus Life & 学生参与度(峡谷.edu). top

19. 我在哪里可以获得校园内的医疗服务?

Health services on campus are located in the Student Services & 学习资源 Center, room CCSS-123. Numerous clinical services are offered for physical, sexual, mental and 基本的牙齿健康,几乎不需要花费.  欲了解更多信息,请访问 http://www.firstlinesprinklerrepair.com/studentservices/health/ 或联络学生健康中心 & 健康中心,电话:(661)362-3812. top

20. How can I stay up to date on events and what's happening on campus?

峡谷乡村校园定期举办流行的社区活动,包括一个充满活力的 “科学讲座”系列,包括两年一度的社区明星派对、花园漫步、 并参与来自专家教师的各种STEM科学学科的编程, 工作人员和外部扬声器. 此外,立博平台 & 学生活动办公室, 与学生联合政府(ASG)一起,提供周到的学生计划, 活动和校园活动,帮助学生参与和参与 校园环境. For the latest information about campus events, please check out website’s Events page. top

21. How do I differentiate classes in the different buildings on campus?

当你看课程表时,在房间号旁边会有一个标签. 例如CCLB-305、CCC3-305和CCSS-401. CCLB代表武田科学中心, CCC代表上层校园的班级,CCSS代表学生服务 & 学习资源中心. Directories/signs are also posted around campus to guide 请到正确的大楼号码和位置.  top

22. 在校园里哪里可以买到安全眼镜/护目镜?


-       On the third floor in the Science Center, to the left of the elevators

-在学生服务中心的三楼 & 学习资源中心




有关一般校园资料,请致电(661)联络联络中心。 362-3963.