

Star Party和Garden Walk 2024!!

4月26日(周五)上午9:00- 11:00在Garden Walk加入我们! 在导游的带领下游览 峡谷乡村校园独特的植物和鸟类! 学会辨认植物, 树木,使用提供的双筒望远镜来观察鸟类等. 呼吸点新鲜空气,好好享受 在我们美丽的校园里散步! 免费向公众开放! 适合所有年龄层的乐趣! 帮助我们传播这个词!

过去的 事件如下:

These free events were open to the community and were filled with educational fun while celebrating STEM with our students, faculty and community members!  


Dr. 鲍勃·巴拉拉姆
On Friday, April 12th, students, faculty, staff and community members were treated to our 28th Star Party event, which included a Science Showcase and attracted more 超过400人! The event started at 6:30pm and ran until close to 10pm, with multiple student showcase presentations at the upper plaza followed by our guest speaker, Dr. 鲍勃·巴拉拉姆在圆形剧场报道.  活动在武田科学中心继续进行 were visitors explored our portable planetarium exhibit and lab tours. 

Throughout the evening, our guests enjoyed our interactive demonstration tables, presented by a number of groups including Active Minds, the Astronomy Physics 俱乐部, the Biological & 环境 Sciences Department, Chemistry 俱乐部, Civic Engagement 俱乐部, Connections 俱乐部, Earth and Space Sciences, Helping US Become (HUB) 俱乐部, 图书馆, Math 俱乐部, MESA - Math, Engineering, Science Achievement, Outdoor Adventure 俱乐部, the Technology, 工程、编码和硬件(TECH)俱乐部和William S. 哈特区行政主任 教育途径!!  学生联合政府(这种)也在场 免费的零食和大量的能量! 对所有人来说,这是一个有教育意义和愉快的夜晚!!

Our 科学的谈判 Series brought TWO family-friendly events at the Canyon Country 校园. These free events were open to the community and were filled with educational fun while celebrating STEM with our students, faculty and community members!  

Dr. Varoujan Gorjian
我们的演讲嘉宾,Dr. JPL研究天文学家Varoujan Gorjian发表了“简报” “喷气推进实验室的历史”和他有趣的话题提出了一些有趣的问题&A和观众参与. The event’s new “science showcase” kicked off the evening with a variety of science-themed 我们自己的COC学生和教师的演讲. 该活动包括参观 Takeda Science Center, visits to our exciting indoor portable planetarium, food “Go Fusion N Grill”卡车服务. 一直是人群的最爱,与会者能够 to explore 通过高倍望远镜观察夜空 with the assistance of volunteers from the Local Group Astronomy 俱乐部 of Santa Clarita Valley, as well as from the Antelope 山谷天文俱乐部.
Throughout the evening, our guests also enjoyed our interactive demonstration tables, presented by a number of groups including the Astronomy Physics 俱乐部, the Biological & 环境 Sciences Department, Chemistry 俱乐部, Civic Engagement 俱乐部, Earth and Space Sciences, Future Business Leaders of America, Helping US Become (HUB) 俱乐部, 图书馆, MESA - Math, Engineering, Science Achievement, Parallax Photo 俱乐部, Psychology 俱乐部 & PSI Beta和William S. 哈特区CTE教育衔接课程!!  相关联的 Student Government (这种)也提供了免费的零食和大量的能量! It 对大家来说,这是一个既有教育意义又愉快的夜晚吗!!

2023年10月20日,周五,上午8:30 - 10点
We enjoyed a guided tour of the unique plant and birdlife at our beautiful Canyon 中国校园.  珍妮·查莉教授帮助我们识别和了解植物 like around our campus, using binoculars provided for bird spotting.  谢谢你,教授 查理参加了一个有教育意义又有趣的活动! 

On Friday, May 5th, our professor, Jeannie Chari, took us on a guided tour of the 独特的植物和鸟类生活在我们美丽的峡谷乡村校园.  参与者 able to identify and learn about plants and trees around campus, use binoculars provided to spot various birds and microscopes to examine collected seeds, leaves and pond 水样.  谢谢Chari教授给我们带来了一个有教育意义和愉快的活动!

2023年4月28日,星期五,晚上7:30 - 10点


Our guest speaker, 詹妮弗·伯特, PhD, EPRV Investigation Scientist, JPL, spoke on "the Sky's the Limit: Expanding Our Understanding of ExoPlanetary Systems from the 和她的有趣的话题提出了一些有趣的问题& As和观众参与.  与会者探讨 通过高倍望远镜观察夜空 with the assistance of volunteers from the Local Group Astronomy 俱乐部 of Santa Clarita, as well as the 羚羊谷天文俱乐部.   
包括晚上 interactive demonstration tables presented by a number of groups including the Astronomy Physics 俱乐部, Active Minds, the Biological & 环境 Sciences Department, Chemistry 俱乐部, 图书馆, MESA - Math, Engineering, Science 成就,STEM股权联盟,以及William S. 哈特区CTE教育 通路!!  学生联合政府(这种)也在场 free snacks 还有很多能量! 对所有人来说,这是一个有教育意义和愉快的夜晚!!

2022年11月4日上午9:00 - 11:00

秋季花园步道! Our presenter and tour guide, Professor, Jeannie Chari, took us on tour of the unique 峡谷乡村校园的植物和鸟类.  参与者能够识别 and learn about plant life around campus, using provided binoculars to spot birds, 用显微镜检查收集的水样.  这是教育和愉快的!

2022年10月28日,晚上7:00 - 9:30
我们的演讲嘉宾,阿尔比恩·H. 美国宇航局阿姆斯特朗飞行研究所首席科学家鲍尔斯说 Center (retired), spoke on “Fast Interplanetary Flight (Aero Gravity Assist)” and 他那有趣的话题引起了一些有趣的问题&As和观众参与.  与会者探讨 通过高倍望远镜观察夜空.  晚上 included interactive demonstration tables presented by our clubs, 部门, 威廉号. 哈特区CTE教育衔接课程!!  学生会联合会 (这种)也提供了免费的零食和大量的能量! 这是一次教育 和一个愉快的夜晚!!
如果你错过了,这是我们的 明星晚会节目

2022年5月6日上午9:00 - 11:00
 5月6日星期五,我们参观了峡谷乡村校园!  我们边烧边学 (calories), explored biodiversity, got some fresh air, enjoyed a walk through 我们美丽的校园! 谢谢Chari教授给我们带来了一个有教育意义和愉快的活动!

2022年4月22日,晚上7:30 - 10点
春星晚会! ——特邀演讲者约翰·L. 美国宇航局喷气推进实验室的卡拉斯介绍了“The Robotic Exploration of the Surface of Mars", at our in-person event outside the new 唐武田科学中心.  与会者通过高功率望远镜探索天空, 听取我们的学生和COC航空航天和科学团队的意见.  包括晚上 与俱乐部和部门进行互动和演示.  这是一次有教育意义和令人愉快的经历 所有人的夜晚!!
如果你错过了,这是我们的 明星晚会节目

生物学会谈! - Professor Shane Ramey and his students gave us a virtual tour of the Takeda Science Center's microbiology laboratory at CCC, one of the most advanced instructional laboratories 在该地区.  从无线显微镜相机,到ipad,再到云,看看是如何做到的 our students are learning with 21st century tools for 21st century jobs.  谢谢你! 谢恩·雷米教授和你优秀的学生们!
如果你错过了,现在就看吧:  21年秋季,生物学讲座!  

秋天之星派对! -演讲嘉宾,Camilo Mejia Prada博士.D,高对比度成像设备经理 at NASA JPL, presented "NASA's 搜索 for Planets, Habitability and Life in our Galaxy" 在武田堂科学中心外的现场活动中.  与会者探讨 skies through high-powered telescopes, heard from our students and the COC Aerospace 及科学小组.  当晚的活动包括与我们的俱乐部进行互动和演示 部门.  对所有人来说,这是一个有教育意义和愉快的夜晚!!
如果你错过了,这是我们的 明星晚会节目

  - Join us for a mission update on the Mars Perseverance rover, along with other exciting 空间活动.
特邀嘉宾:Jennifer Trosper
如果你错过了,现在就看吧:  21年春天,虚拟明星派对

2021年5月7日,上午9点- 11点
春园步道! - We took a virtual stroll through the 峡谷乡村校园, including engaging 讨论当地的植物、昆虫和鸟类.
如果你错过了,现在就看吧:  21年春天,花园大道