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Dean's Welcome

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, administration, faculty colleagues, staff, and students, I am pleased to welcome you to the Division of Mathematics, Sciences and Engineering at College of the Canyons.

The Division offers a strong commitment to high-quality, affordable, lower division undergraduate education over a wide range of subjects. We pride ourselves on our small class sizes taught by qualified faculty experts that feature state-of-the-art laboratory facilities and multiple opportunities for students to engage in emerging technologies, economic & workforce development training, exposure to renowned scientists through our Speakers Symposium Series, modern research, and pathways to success in this increasingly interconnected world.  Mathematics, sciences and engineering are fundamental to many aspects of modern life as well as the nation's economy. As such, we are highly focused on serving the needs of the community, state, and nation by providing quality programs in an interdisciplinary environment that prepare students for transfer to a four-year college or university, entry into a technical or occupational program, and pursuit of an Associate degree.

The Division of Mathematics, Sciences and Engineering has worked to provide students with multiple degree options. Many of these degrees were recently approved as part of the new joint transfer program between the California Community Colleges and the California State Universities, which makes it easier for students to transfer between the two school systems via an AS-T or AA-T degree. Please take a moment to view these multiple degrees as well as examine the sequence of classes that you should take in order to graduate in two years.

All of our work above (and more) is made possible through the generosity of our community, industry partners, friends, volunteers, and donors who support our endeavors while sustaining the growing core of the College. We look forward to helping you become a part of this community, where what seems impossible becomes possible, and where the search for new knowledge and ideas is fulfilled each day in an effort to better understand the world in which we live and contribute to the solution of a number of contemporary educational, environmental, technological, social, and economic problems.

I enthusiastically welcome your interest in the Division of Mathematics, Sciences and Engineering at College of the Canyons and hope you will contact me with any further questions.


Dr. David Vakil
Dean, Mathematics, Sciences and Engineering
College of the Canyons
Bonelli Hall, Office 247
(661) 362-3078