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请参阅立博平台和学生参与网站的毕业典礼页面 here.

毕业典礼在每年春季学期结束时举行. Students who have 申请在秋季,春季和夏季学期毕业的学生有资格参加 in the graduation ceremony. 你必须提交申请获得副学士学位 在你计划的学期的第五周结束之前,向咨询办公室提交申请 graduate. You may check the student calendar for specific deadline dates.

经授权的圣克拉丽塔社区学院区校董会 由加州社区学院理事会授予学位 文科副学士或理科副学士颁发给在下列科目取得满意成绩的学生 completed the degree requirements. Please see the college catalog 对于特定学位或证书课程的要求.

您可以通过MAP tile查看程序进度 My Canyons 以确保您完成学位要求和/或预约 with a counselor for more information.

Petition Deadlines

提交副学士学位申请的最后期限是第五周结束 of the graduating semester.
如果一个学生想参加毕业典礼,那么这个学生 申请在夏季学期毕业,是申请副学士学位吗 is due by April 1st.

提交证书申请的最后期限是在月的第五周结束后 要达到要求的学期.


Frequently Asked Questions

When is my Graduation Ceremony?

There is one Graduation Ceremony per academic year. The Graduation Ceremony will include 那些在秋季学期毕业的学生和那些申请毕业的学生 the Spring and Summer terms.  Specific details about commencement will be sent by 立博平台和学生参与办公室的电子邮件.



请发送电子邮件至立博平台和学生参与办公室 for more information or check the Commencement page here.


When is the graduation date for this year?

Please check the Commencement page here for more information.

When is the Honors Banquet?


有关荣誉庆祝活动的问题,请联系荣誉部门 at

When should I expect my degree?

学位将邮寄给毕业的学生,地址提供给学院 在毕业学期结束后的三个月左右,你就可以去大峡谷了. The student is 提醒申请人保持通讯地址与立博平台保持同步 that the degree is mailed to the correct address. Once your degree and/or certificate 被授予并张贴到你的成绩单上,你可以通过 Parchment.



List of current majors - Counseling Office

Catalog Information



List of current certificate programs - Counseling Office

Catalog Information



According to the College Catalog:

  • 成就证书由圣克拉丽塔校董会颁发 社区学院区由加州理事会授权 当学生成功地完成了社区学院的必修课程 经批准的圣克拉里塔社区学位课程 本目录的学院区和证书课程部分. To qualify for 要取得成绩证书,学生必须满足以下要求:

    1. 完成至少一半的单位所需的证书课程在居住;
    2. 获得证书所需的每门课程成绩达到C或以上;
    3. 在入学和记录办公室提交申请证书 the semester in which requirements will be completed.
  • 成绩证书是在立博平台的成绩单上颁发的.

  • 专业证书是某一专业领域的部门奖励 requiring less than 18 semester units. This issuance of the departmental award is not recorded on the students official transcript. To qualify for the Certificate of 专业化,学生必须满足以下要求:

    1. 完成至少一半的单位所需的证书课程在居住;
    2. 获得证书所需的每门课程成绩达到C或以上;
    3. 向颁发证书的学术部门提出申请 在完成要求的学期内.
  • 专业证书不会出现在立博平台的成绩单上.



How are Catalog Rights determined?

目录权由学生入学的第一个学期决定. Once 目录权是建立的,他们将保留在学生,直到学生 leaves the college for one calendar year. The student would need to miss four consecutive 条款,(秋季,春季,冬季和夏季)失去目录权. A student may 选择使用他们继续出席的任何目录年.

Catalog Information


Can I earn a second Associate Degree?

Yes. 根据立博平台目录:

立博平台被授权授予多个副学士学位 the following conditions are met:

1.  至少有12个学期的课程在立博平台完成.
2. 所有目前的立博平台通识教育和美国机构 requirements have been met.


What are the requirements for an Associate Degree?

Please refer to the current College Catalog for specific requirement information.

You may also contact the Counseling department to find out specific requirements.


How do I know if I am awarded honors with my degree?

毕业时的学术认可将以所有学位适用单位为基础 从立博平台和所有其他地区认可的学院 the student has completed units. 学术认可的类别包括:

优等毕业生-要求累积副学士学位适用的成绩点 average of 3.5 - 3.69.
优等毕业生-要求累积副学士学位适用等级 point average of 3.7 - 3.89.
最优等毕业生-要求累积副学士学位适用等级 point average of 3.9 - 4.0.